"On behalf of Greenpeace I'd truly like to take a moment to thank you for the work you put into this walkathon. I frequently come back to the words of Robert Kennedy who said "The future will be shaped in the arena of human activity, by those willing to commit their minds and their bodies to the task." The issues confronting us as a society are indeed profound but it will be when each of us stands up and leans our time and efforts to a common cause that we will prevail. It is so deeply reassuring to see that here today and as a global citizen, an organizer, and a parent I am truly thankful." As Mr. Wapner said, climate change is an extremely threatening issue to every single one of us, but when we come together, we can create a greater change and take even bigger steps to solve it. At our walkathon this weekend, we were overwhelmed by the support we got and the sight of our community taking action and standing up against climate change. Now climate change is what we, at Dandilyonn, are most concerned about and you should be too. We’ll spare you the details of climate change as you probably know the things like temperatures have increased by one degree in the 20th century, sea levels have increased by seven inches in the past century, or carbon dioxide is at an all time high and other such statistics. But the thing to remember is, humans were the ones to cause it, and it will affect YOU in the future which is why YOU must be the one to join the resistance against climate change. Especially, here in the Bay Area, we really don’t think about any of this, as we live a pretty privileged life. We have a seemingly endless supply of water, and our food is never ending in the supermarkets. But in the near future, we won’t have all these benefits. The coast will be creeping closer to us, and the drought that we just got out of could come back even larger and more deadly. And by that time it will be too late, which is why we need to start fighting against climate change now. So we thank everyone who came out to our walkathon last weekend to support us, and yourself, in this fight against climate change. And for those of you who attended, we hope that you got to really appreciate the planet that has offered us so much and have planned to make more green changes in your life! We sincerely wish that this will change your perspective on how you act in your daily life and the choices you make in regards to the planet. Now, here are some pictures from the event day which were taken by the one and only Quynhlan Nguyen. You can check her out on Facebook here or on Instagram here. Thank you so much for these amazing shots!! Finally, we'd like to thank all our sponsors because without them, this walkathon could never have happened: Chicago Pizza, and Own Sweet Home real estate, Ichen Art Academy, Dr. Marvin Mah Optometrist, and Josh Uy real estate.
April 2022